Alright, I started this blog by saying I would do it every day. I'm sorry faithful readers/fans, I just cant do it. However, I promise to do it as much as possible. I don't want to anger the public.
Being gone for several days, there's so much to say in so little time. My weekend was jam packed. My Saturday was spent working high school basketball games. Yes, it is as exciting as it sounds. What exactly do I do? My job is to run the clock. Which I feel is a very important job. In fact, I'm going out on a limb here, and saying that it's the most important job of all the people working that day.
Before I delve into the intricacies of clock working, let me tell you some things about our school district. Our district claims to be hurting for money. However, they are able to pay an ungodly number of people to do meaningless jobs. I mean seriously, freshmen girls basketball games don't need to have 3 chaperone's for a crowd full of parents of the players. So, our money hurting district, shells out close to 50 dollars an hour for meaningless jobs.
But, my money, on the other hand, is well earned. I'm the only one who has significant impact on the game. If you forget to stop the clock, or you don't get that one free throw up there quick enough, believe me, some fan, who must look at the clock every other second, will holler out the infamous, "start the clock" or "scores wrong". I pride myself on perfection. I make it my goal to not make mistakes. I would be willing to say that when I am asked to do the clock, I bring my A game. I laugh at the mistakes of other clockers. Amateur's.
Now, there is another underlying story in all of this. You may be wondering why the hell I work 4 games on a Saturday instead of enjoying my weekend. Well, I'd have to say, it's the same reason that I volunteer my entire winter to help out with girls bball, I am clinically insane. I can't get enough of my school. I am a cougar. Proud to wear scarlet and blue. Proud to spend my weekends in the gym cheering on my teams.
Wow, that sounds pathetic. Is it summer yet?
1 comment:
frank, i gotta admit, i love your blog. keep writing.
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