So, I decided to follow in the footsteps of my computer savy friend, Derek, and created my own blog. I feel like I experience enough craziness on a regular basis to share those stories with the rest of the world. So, away we go......
Today is sunday. Sunday's are made to watch football. Especially this sunday, the day the bears will hopefully show the world that they are the best team in the NFL, despite the recent critics and the masses of pessimistic fans.
So, my sunday started the way it should, watching the bears. As kickoff neared, friends started to filter in the door. The before mentioned derek walked in with a story. A story that can be described by one word: UNBELIEVEABLE. He claims that last night he was walking home from the club, somewhere we NEVER go, and he was approached by a large black female. At this point, I start to wonder where this story could go. It actually crossed my mind that he is going to tell us he got mugged by a chick, something that most guys would never admit to. He goes on to tell us that she was a lover and not a fighter. Her intentions were sexually driven, at least so they seemed. As she continued to try and get derek to go home with her, using his better judgement, derek denied her advances. Long story short, derek woke up this morning and found his wallet missing. Yes. He got robbed. By a LARGE pick pocket. Crazy stuff.
Anyways, I had to cut the game short, and run to my indoor soccer game. This is something that I should have retired from a long time go. Today, my age caught up with me, and now im injured. Mostly pissed off, but a little happy, becuase there is a chance that I won't be able to play next week, which will allow me to watch the bears win again. Ahh...the things sports make us do.
Now, im back where I started, on the couch, leg hurting, hungry, and a little tired. Man I love sundays.
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