Thursday, June 28, 2007

Mid Week Madness

It's been a while since my last blog, and let me tell ya, much has happened since then.

Lets start with last saturday.

I thought that my days of grinding in a bar, that doesn't even have a dance floor, were over, but apparently they're not. Don't worry, it gets worse. Not only was I dancing, but I was dancing using my patented move, called "the backpack." This move is self explanatory. I become the backpack for the girl I'm dancing with. Wherever she goes, I go, wrapped around her, nice and tightly. There was kissing, and other PDA's. This behavior is not acceptable, and I am afraid to reappear at a bar where we are frequent customers.

Sunday was filled with golf, where I'm still sucking, and then recovering. Not too eventful, but a much needed break.

Monday started innocently, meeting two buddies for dinner. We start shooting the shit with the waitress, and she comes out and tells us that she's a stripper. It was an interesting conversation, that's for sure. Later that night, we were off to the casino, only to come back, 250 down, at 6AM! The week hasn't been quite right since.

Best part of it all, the next weekend is already here. Stay tuned. More to follow.

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