Monday, July 9, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Mid Week Madness
It's been a while since my last blog, and let me tell ya, much has happened since then.
Lets start with last saturday.
I thought that my days of grinding in a bar, that doesn't even have a dance floor, were over, but apparently they're not. Don't worry, it gets worse. Not only was I dancing, but I was dancing using my patented move, called "the backpack." This move is self explanatory. I become the backpack for the girl I'm dancing with. Wherever she goes, I go, wrapped around her, nice and tightly. There was kissing, and other PDA's. This behavior is not acceptable, and I am afraid to reappear at a bar where we are frequent customers.
Sunday was filled with golf, where I'm still sucking, and then recovering. Not too eventful, but a much needed break.
Monday started innocently, meeting two buddies for dinner. We start shooting the shit with the waitress, and she comes out and tells us that she's a stripper. It was an interesting conversation, that's for sure. Later that night, we were off to the casino, only to come back, 250 down, at 6AM! The week hasn't been quite right since.
Best part of it all, the next weekend is already here. Stay tuned. More to follow.
Lets start with last saturday.
I thought that my days of grinding in a bar, that doesn't even have a dance floor, were over, but apparently they're not. Don't worry, it gets worse. Not only was I dancing, but I was dancing using my patented move, called "the backpack." This move is self explanatory. I become the backpack for the girl I'm dancing with. Wherever she goes, I go, wrapped around her, nice and tightly. There was kissing, and other PDA's. This behavior is not acceptable, and I am afraid to reappear at a bar where we are frequent customers.
Sunday was filled with golf, where I'm still sucking, and then recovering. Not too eventful, but a much needed break.
Monday started innocently, meeting two buddies for dinner. We start shooting the shit with the waitress, and she comes out and tells us that she's a stripper. It was an interesting conversation, that's for sure. Later that night, we were off to the casino, only to come back, 250 down, at 6AM! The week hasn't been quite right since.
Best part of it all, the next weekend is already here. Stay tuned. More to follow.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Ok, blogging at 3am is not usually my thing. However, tonight, things need to be talked. So, my roomate and I just spent the night pounding drinks and enjoying the fact that the weekend arrived. You see, for me, getting crazy was no new thing because of the fact that summer had arrived and weekends and weekdays seem to blend together. But, tonight, the roomy wanted to get drunk so I obliged.
So, things went as planned and we drank, and partied, and I got dominated in every competitive game possible, darts, bowling, and even pool. Yes this was a bit strange, but the night was about to take an even crazier turn.
We were on our way to Chicago's to fill our appetite for a little pizza, when I saw a truck coming up Barry ave. right at us. I could tell this truck was "not all there." For no apparent reason I took the left side and my roomate took the right. As soon as we made the change the truck turned right into my roomy, knocking him clear off his bike.
Luckily, the roomy was ok. We talked, more like yelled at the driver, who was obviously drunk, and demanded payment for the bike. However, he stumbled away. We followed through with our threat to cal the police, only to sit around for many minutes with no arrival of the 5-0.
Our night ended rather uneventfully. With no arrests and no beat downs. Crazy stuff for an otherwise calm night.
So, things went as planned and we drank, and partied, and I got dominated in every competitive game possible, darts, bowling, and even pool. Yes this was a bit strange, but the night was about to take an even crazier turn.
We were on our way to Chicago's to fill our appetite for a little pizza, when I saw a truck coming up Barry ave. right at us. I could tell this truck was "not all there." For no apparent reason I took the left side and my roomate took the right. As soon as we made the change the truck turned right into my roomy, knocking him clear off his bike.
Luckily, the roomy was ok. We talked, more like yelled at the driver, who was obviously drunk, and demanded payment for the bike. However, he stumbled away. We followed through with our threat to cal the police, only to sit around for many minutes with no arrival of the 5-0.
Our night ended rather uneventfully. With no arrests and no beat downs. Crazy stuff for an otherwise calm night.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Too old?

Question: When are you too old to go on a bender?
I mean seriously, I just spent the last six days "doing work". It all started last Tuesday and Wednesday in innocent drinking situations that turned deadly. I already commented on the near debacle of Wednesday night.
Thursday I flew out to Colorado. With a flight arrival time of 9:30, I was thinking to myself that things couldn't get too out of hand. I was wrong. Thursday night turned out to be a bachelor night of sorts, except the groom has chosen to avoid all drugs and alcohol because of his teenage wife, so I took the opportunity to make the most of it. Now I don't know if it's because the air was thinner, but the next day I woke up with a pounding headache.
The next day was filled with wedding prep stuff, like getting tux's and decorating, and I made the decision to play it low key because I didn't want to be hurting for the actual wedding day. 10 jack and cokes, and many beers later, at 3 am, in C. Springs very own V bar, my decision to be low key went right out the window.
Anyways, I managed to make it through the wedding day, which was a wonderful day. Highlighted by two young people who were very much in love coming together in a beautiful ceremony. In that cermony, I again managed to do what I do best, get hammered.
Apparently 26 is not too old to go on a bender.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Summer Plans

Alright, so i've already mentioned that I plan to work on my golf game this summer, and I do. My other big plan is to get back in shape. Now, i've been told that this is overrated, and that it will really do nothing for me, but, i've got a lot of time, and it sounds like something to do.
So far I've been good about getting to the gym and hammering out some miles on the treadmill. However, I've also had a significant increase in my partying time. So, i've amended my plans. My new plan is to work out during the day, and take the night by storm. No longer is it to get in shape, because I believe that this new lifestyle will not allow for such a thing.
On a side note, last night I experienced luck in a way that i've never experienced before. Without giving too many details, let's just say this: I was inebriated. I wanted to do somethings that I would regret. I even acted upon my urges. Luckily, the stars were aligned in my favor, and there were no regrettable offenses. Very rarely would I say that I was glad to wake up alone. This morning was one of those mornings.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I'm Back!

Ok, so I've been challenged to blog more. I think this is kinda funny because when I was blogging, I was told that I wasn't that good. Anyways, because of my competitive nature, when I get challenged, I respond. So, let the blogging begin.
This is the first week of my summer. School ended last Friday, and with that, I have 3 months off, to do whatever I please. I kicked off the summer with an annual trip to Vegas. Myself, and 13 other teachers from my school, decided to celebrate the summer together, by dumping our money in beautiful LV.
I was quickly reminded of how unlucky I am. For the first day and a half I played pretty much every game in the casino, and was yet to experience the thrill of winning. I started to get excited about only losing a little, rather then my whole buy in. I mean seriously, how can you lose everything. I always have this feeling that my luck will begin to turn. I wait for that "hot streak". I do know that it's this mentality by gamblers that builds those beautiful buildings in the picture up there. Fortunately, my luck started to turn, and it ended up being a decent trip.
Also in Vegas, I was pressured to golf. Now, for some reason, golf is something I can't do. I would say that I am pretty good at most things, but I definitely suck at golf. I've never felt so awkward as I do when I'm swinging a golf club. How bad did I play? I couldn't even tell you, because after a few miserable holes, I opted for pounding beers over keeping score. One of my big goals this summer is to make some strides in the positive direction with my golf game. As I was reminded yesterday, I've got 49 years to beat my roomate, otherwise I'm out 10 grand. Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
School Daze
It's been over a week since the last time I've blogged. It's superbowl Sunday and I could go on and on about the bears and how they are going to dominate the colts down in Miami, and bring back the Lombardi trophy to chicago. However, I'm going to talk about something a bit more exciting. Well, maybe not, but it needs to be talked about.
Ok, so I am taking grad school classes, and the program that I'm in only has class every 4th weekend. However, for that weekend, there is class ALL day, both days. This is not a class where we sit around and talk, and do cute little group projects. This is full blown calc. 8 hours on saturday and 6 hours on sunday. So, needless to say, as the hours go by, I find my mind wandering, as I look around the class.
This is a class of current high school math teachers and aspiring math teachers. And let me tell you, this is an interesting group. This is just a little sample of what I had to deal with this weekend.
First of all, there is a group of about 4 women who absolutely cannot come to class on time. Every single class they have been consistently late. Not a couple minutes late. Were talking a half hour, or sometimes more. I mean seriously, why the hell would you be late to class all the time? Late when it starts. Late when we get back from lunch. Late all the time. Not only are they late, but they are loud and obnoxious when they come thundering down the hallway, and they take their time to find a seat, and they must love being the center of attention, because that's exactly what they become when they walk in the door. These people bother me.
One of these women likes to sit down right next to me. This is a classroom where the desks are so packed together that I have a tough time fitting my large ass into the seat. It would be acceptable to sit every other desk because they really are that close together. There are usually plenty of other desks in the room when she walks into the room, but sure enough she plops her sloppy ass damn near on top of me.
Picture this woman. She usually wears her HUGE depaul sweatshirt which hangs down well past her waist, overlapping her faded jeans which look to be from the early 80's. She usually has her hair up with loose strands everywhere, but to try and make herself look classy, which I know is hopeless, she usually has a pair of designer sunglasses on her head, and keeps them there the whole class, as if to say, "yeah, I'm hot shit." Let me assure you, she isn't.
If she just walked in late, wearing her ridiculous outfits, and didn't really do anything else, I wouldn't hold it against her. However, she is the type of woman who loves to talk. She blabs the WHOLE time. She blabs to the girls next to her, who has to be annoyed. She answers the questions of the professor, either out loud to the whole class or to herself, just enough so I can hear and be annoyed. The best part is, her answers are wrong 90% of the time. That's right, she's not smart, but she has to be involved so that she feels important, and she continues to wear her stupidity on her sleeve. This lady bothers me.
Other characters in the class include, a goofy looking man with long gray hair who wears a cowboy hat every class and shakes his head side to side because he has some type of nervous twitch. There are two ladies who talk and laugh loudly, to the point where I am embarrassed for them. They sit their during the class and read magazines and talk about the articles. I mean seriously, you don't have to be there. They don't take attendance. Why come? I think to annoy me. There's a guy who's pants ride up so high that when he sits down, you can almost see the back of his knees. And there are a ton of people who sit there and grade papers.
I mean seriously, stay home, class will be better without you. Well, maybe I wouldn't have anything to keep me busy while the professor goes off on his meaningless tangents.
I love being in school again.
Ok, so I am taking grad school classes, and the program that I'm in only has class every 4th weekend. However, for that weekend, there is class ALL day, both days. This is not a class where we sit around and talk, and do cute little group projects. This is full blown calc. 8 hours on saturday and 6 hours on sunday. So, needless to say, as the hours go by, I find my mind wandering, as I look around the class.
This is a class of current high school math teachers and aspiring math teachers. And let me tell you, this is an interesting group. This is just a little sample of what I had to deal with this weekend.
First of all, there is a group of about 4 women who absolutely cannot come to class on time. Every single class they have been consistently late. Not a couple minutes late. Were talking a half hour, or sometimes more. I mean seriously, why the hell would you be late to class all the time? Late when it starts. Late when we get back from lunch. Late all the time. Not only are they late, but they are loud and obnoxious when they come thundering down the hallway, and they take their time to find a seat, and they must love being the center of attention, because that's exactly what they become when they walk in the door. These people bother me.
One of these women likes to sit down right next to me. This is a classroom where the desks are so packed together that I have a tough time fitting my large ass into the seat. It would be acceptable to sit every other desk because they really are that close together. There are usually plenty of other desks in the room when she walks into the room, but sure enough she plops her sloppy ass damn near on top of me.
Picture this woman. She usually wears her HUGE depaul sweatshirt which hangs down well past her waist, overlapping her faded jeans which look to be from the early 80's. She usually has her hair up with loose strands everywhere, but to try and make herself look classy, which I know is hopeless, she usually has a pair of designer sunglasses on her head, and keeps them there the whole class, as if to say, "yeah, I'm hot shit." Let me assure you, she isn't.
If she just walked in late, wearing her ridiculous outfits, and didn't really do anything else, I wouldn't hold it against her. However, she is the type of woman who loves to talk. She blabs the WHOLE time. She blabs to the girls next to her, who has to be annoyed. She answers the questions of the professor, either out loud to the whole class or to herself, just enough so I can hear and be annoyed. The best part is, her answers are wrong 90% of the time. That's right, she's not smart, but she has to be involved so that she feels important, and she continues to wear her stupidity on her sleeve. This lady bothers me.
Other characters in the class include, a goofy looking man with long gray hair who wears a cowboy hat every class and shakes his head side to side because he has some type of nervous twitch. There are two ladies who talk and laugh loudly, to the point where I am embarrassed for them. They sit their during the class and read magazines and talk about the articles. I mean seriously, you don't have to be there. They don't take attendance. Why come? I think to annoy me. There's a guy who's pants ride up so high that when he sits down, you can almost see the back of his knees. And there are a ton of people who sit there and grade papers.
I mean seriously, stay home, class will be better without you. Well, maybe I wouldn't have anything to keep me busy while the professor goes off on his meaningless tangents.
I love being in school again.
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